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Hat: JfL Homberg hat camel NEW InWorld
Hair: *~*Damselfly*~*Hitch - Dark Brown NEW ( The Boys Of Summer - June 13 OPEN)  InWorld
Outfit: AMITOMO.suspender look #5 NEW ( The mens dept Jun.) InWorld
Slackers Bar: .Shi : Slackers Bar NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld
Loveletters: NOMAD // Amore Loveletters NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld

Tree: Hayabusa Design Elegant Tree M15 ( Thank you so much Mitsuko ^_^) NEW InWorld
Birch Branch: :CP: Moose Lodge Sauna Birch Branch Cross NEW (Fameshed Jun. ) InWorld
Gazebo: [Con.] Summer in the Park - Gazebo RARE NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld
Barrels: [ zerkalo ] Fishemans resting place InWorld
Bottle Lamp: .:revival:. oil lamp II NEW ( Shiny Shabby Jun. ) InWorld
Boat: {what next} Pirate Wearable Row Boat RARE NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld
Floor Rags: Apt B // Old & Rusted - Floor Rags NEW ( Shiny Shabby Jun. ) InWorld
Pillows: Tentacio - pillow (decor) NEW ( Shiny Shabby Jun. ) InWorld
Postcard Box: Fancy Decor: Postcard Box NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld
Postcard: Fancy Decor: Postcard Bundle NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld
RollCam: O.M.E.N - The Long Ride - Rollcam #2 NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld
Books: [ zerkalo ] Love Nest-Vintage-Books NEW ( Shiny Shabby Jun. ) InWorld
Blanket: .:revival:. blanket to go linen  NEW (Fameshed Jun. ) InWorld
LoveLetters: NOMAD // Amore Loveletters NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld
Flask: Tentacio - Flask (decor) NEW ( Shiny Shabby Jun. ) InWorld
Sign: [Con.] Summer in the Park - Strawberry Fields NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld
Ladder: Apt B // Old & Rusted - Ladder NEW ( Shiny Shabby Jun. ) InWorld
Metal Container: Apt B // Old & Rusted - Metal Container NEW ( Shiny Shabby Jun. ) InWorld
Picture Doors: junk. picture doors. NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld
Clock: junk. floor clock. NEW  ( Arcade Jun. ) InWorld
MailBox: tight.mailbox - rust 3 NEW ( The mens dept Jun.) InWorld


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